Vocabulario SEO semántico

Search engine

In English, a search Engine or Search Engine is an information retrieval program that looks for items in a database that match the user’s input request.

Semantic Search

SEO is a strategy that seeks to understand the intent of the searcher to deliver accurate results. Its semantic search ensures that modern search engines interpret elements such as the context and the user’s intentions when showing a search result.

Web Semantic

The Semantic Web is an extension of the current Web, which will allow computers and humans to work together. The semantic Web interconnects word meanings and, in this context, aims to be able to assign a meaning (meaning) to the contents published on the Internet in such a way that it is perceptible by both the human and the computer.


Redirection is when a URL is pulled from one location to another, and two types can be used: permanent (301) and temporary, or 302. Also known as URL redirection or call forwarding, it is a World Wide technique Web to make a site have a new URL structure without any being in inaccessible status. ;

Search algorithm

In computer science, a search algorithm, in general terms, is an algorithm that takes a problem as input and returns the solution to the problem, usually after solving a possible number of solutions. A search algorithm is a step-by-step procedure used to find specific data among a collection of data.

Optimization for search engines

Website Optimization (optimization for search engines or optimization for search engines) is the set of strategies to enhance and improve the positioning of a website in natural (organic) results pages in search engines. The term SEO also refers to the consulting industry optimizing its clients’ projects and websites.


O Redirecionamento é quando uma URL é retirada de um local para outro, e pode ser usado dois tipos: o permanente (301) e o temporário, ou 302. Também conhecido como redirecionamento de URL ou encaminhamento de chamadas, é uma técnica da World Wide Web para fazer com que um site tenha uma nova estrutura de URLs sem que nenhuma esteja com o status de inacessível. ;

Palavras-chave de cauda longa

As frases de pesquisa de cauda longa ou Long-tail, são consultas muito mais longas, geralmente aquelas que consistem em mais de três palavras. Instâncias: “filtros de café feitos por você mesmo”, “Publicidade material para SaaS”, “Técnicas de marketing de conteúdo da Web para software” Frases-chave de cauda longa não são pesquisadas de maneira muito independente; no entanto, juntos, eles constituem a maior parte do tráfego de pesquisa.

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