OWL for Business

Creating OWL for Business is about making use of a language to define and instantiate ontologies on the Web. Create the Web Ontology Language for your company and establish semantic relationships. This is a language for defining and instantiating ontologies on the Web.

But first let’s talk about the semantics present on the Internet, but properly, on the Web.

We b Semantics is increasingly present in our lives.

Creating the foundation for your business to perform well on the Web of the Future requires creating what we call a Semantic Vocabulary, or Domain. Every industry group has its own semantic vocabulary focused on its activity, which describes the entities in its domain.

Think of Domain as the main term that defines what your business does. Here in the case of Micro and Small Businesses it is: SITES. Within this domain I define an ontology which is a data model that represents a set of concepts within a domain and the relationships between them. An ontology is used to perform inference about the objects in the domain.

What is an Ontology?


Ontology is a branch of Philosophy that studies the nature of being, Nature, and reality itself. They seek to establish semantic relationships between concepts, in the form of conceptual networks, close to the human mind, in a specific domain of knowledge knowledge domain .

When I define an Ontology for your business I have to use a language, and it is called OWL: Ontology Web Language.

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But what is OWL?

Demystifying OWL for the enterprise

This is a language for defining and instantiating ontologies on the Web. An OWL ontology can include descriptions of classes and their respective properties and relationships.

It was created so that your projects in Web are understood by both people (who can read, see your images and videos and draw conclusions, inferences, about what you are saying) and computers, unable to do any of these things, without you using a markup language, such as OWL, for your online content.

And how will you as an entrepreneur use OWL in your projects?

That is why I am writing to you to recommend this recently released book: Michael Uschold’s Demystifying OWL for Business.

OWL in the Enterprise

After a slow incubation period of almost 15 years, a large and growing number of organizations now have one or more projects using the Semantic Web technology stack.

Ontologia 1

OWL(Web Ontology Language) is an essential ingredient in this stack, and the need for ontologists is increasing faster than the number and variety of resources available for learning OWL .

This is especially true for the primary target audience of this book: modelers who want to build OWL ontologies for practical use in business and government settings.

The goal of this book is to speed up the process of learning and mastering OWL. To this end, the focus is on the 30% of OWL that is used 90% of the time.

Others who might benefit from this book include technically oriented managers, semantic technology developers, undergraduate and graduate students, and finally instructors looking for new ways to explain OWL .

The book unfolds in a spiral fashion, starting with the central ideas. Each subsequent cycle reinforces and expands what has been learned in the previous cycles and introduces new related ideas.

Part 1 is a Cook’s tour of ontology and OWL, giving an informal overview of what things need to be said to build an ontology, followed by a detailed look at how to say them in OWL . This is illustrated using an example of health care.

Part 1 concludes with an explanation of some fundamental ideas about meaning and semantics to prepare the reader for subsequent chapters.

Part 2 details the properties and classes, which are the core of OWL. There are detailed descriptions of the main constructs you are likely to need in everyday modeling, including which inferences are sanctioned. Each is illustrated with real-world examples.

Part 3 explains and illustrates how to put OWL into practice, using examples from healthcare, collateral, and financial transactions. A short ontology is described for each, along with some important inferences. The main limitations of OWL are identified, along with possible alternative solutions.

The final chapter offers several practical tips and guidelines to send the reader on their way.

Source: Morgan Clay Pool Publishers

Demystifying OWL for the Enterprise – Michael Uschold

Synthesis Lectures on Semantic Web: Theory and Technology

ISBN: 9781681731278 | PDF ISBN: 9781681731285

Hardcover ISBN: 9781681732831

Copyright © 2018 | 264 Pages | Publication Date: May, 2018

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Alexander Rodrigues Silva

Alexander Rodrigues Silva

Consultor SEO

Especialista SEO, consultor internacional SEO e autor do livro SEO Semântico: Fluxo de trabalho semântico. Sou um defensor da Web Semântica e Bibliotecário em formação, com mais de 20 anos de experiência no Digital. Trabalho com Search Engine Optimization desde 2009, sempre buscando alinhar a experiência do usuário a estratégias como Marketing de Conteúdo, otimizando o investimento em SEO.

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